Get Ahead of the Heat with Bovine Accellyte II

Get Ahead of the Heat with Bovine Accellyte II

With the summer heat, it’s important to keep cows hydrated and make sure they have all the vitamins and minerals they need to keep doing their jobs. Bovine Accellyte II is a specialized electrolyte product that helps cows in periods of stress, rehydration and prehydration. 

This product contains electrolytes to help replace those that are lost during stress, energy to provide an added boost, and minerals to help compensate for any deficiencies. It contains sodium, potassium and chloride to help animals maintain proper electrolyte balance. It also includes Betaine, which is an essential osmolyte that helps individual cells retain hydration during periods of heat stress. 


Premier Area Sales Manager Eli Williard performed a trial with a producer in Pennsylvania where half of a tie-stall barn was given Bovine Accellyte II throughout the summer. Compared to untreated cows, the cows receiving Bovine Accellyte II showed a noticeable reduction in saliva drooling, and the cows maintained higher milk production through summer.


If cows are going through periods of stress from heat stress, freshening, feed changes, illness or shipping, this product can help get them back on track and keep them there. This product provides dextrose for extra energy, and it helps to maintain production and reduce panting along with other heat stress symptoms. 


Virginia Area Sales Manager Mike Marchand and Pennsylvania Reproductive Services Specialist Brian Smith have noticed several benefits of Bovine Accellyte II on customer farms: 

  • Fewer breeding service repeats in the fall and a reduction in cows bred multiple times throughout the summer
  • Less slopping of water from bowls
  • A reduction in open-mouth panting
  • Faster milk production recovery in late summer

Bovine Accellyte II comes in a 10 pound pail or a 25 pound bag. It can be dry-mixed into a total mixed ration or added to a stock tank for individual water feedings. It can be fed continuously or targeted to times of high temperatures and humidity with a one or two day lead time.

Our cows work hard for us every day. Give them a boost to make their job a little easier with Bovine Accellyte II! Contact your local Premier representative to place an order today.