Select DTX?

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A direct-fed microbial containing L-form bacteria. Designed specifically for feed challenges caused by molds and other metabolites. (50 pounds)

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A direct-fed microbial containing L-form bacteria. Designed specifically for feed challenges caused by molds and other metabolites. (50 pounds)

-A product of Agrarian Solutions?
-Key ingredient: One specific L-form Lactobacillus
-Enhances the immune system to assist the cow when faced with challenges such as loose manure, low or erratic feed consumption, reduced milk production, elevated somatic cell count and poor reproductive performance including weak heats, cystic cows and even abortions
-Select DTX? should be fed when feed ingredients are in poor condition, when symptoms are present, and when feed assays show problems
-Click the link for a full product data sheet

?Select DTX is a trademark of Select
Sires Inc. Product listed is manufactured
by Agrarian Marketing Corporation? a
registered trademark of Agrarian Marketing
Corporation, Middlebury, IN.